Juan Gris, María Blanchard and the Cubisms the new exhibition at Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga - La Guía GO!

Juan Gris, María Blanchard and the Cubisms the new exhibition at Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga

25 de febrero de 2018 08:00 - 25 de febrero de 2018

This exhibition, Juan Gris, María Blanchard and the Cubisms (1916-1927), aims to encourage visitors to discover one of the most fascinating moments in 20th-century art: the redefinition of Cubism following the period 1907 to 1914 when Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, the movement’s founders, developed the irrevolutionary artistic proposal that would change the way of seeing the world through a work of art forever.


From the on set of World War I to the late 1920s other artists thus took up the bat on from the movement’s two founders, giving Cubism a “secondlife” of an intense, highly creative nature. The protagonists were Juan Gris, a key figure for understanding the transformation of Cubism during this period, Maria Blanchard, whose prominent role in the movement is emphasised in the exhibition, and a number of others with whom boths hared friendship and creative empathy, such as the sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, thepainters Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger and the poet Vicente Huidobro.


With its new and innovative argument, the exhibition examines this artistic panorama through more than 60 exhibits of paintings, sculptures, drawings and documentary material. Organised into three sections, the exhibition opens with a dialogue between Gris and Blanchard through a large selection of outstanding examples of their flat, geometrical and synthetic painting. The second section provides a context for their work by juxtaposing it with that of other great 20th-century masters with whom they shared creative horizons. Finally, the third section includes a representation of artists from the first generation of the Spanish avant-garde – Dalí, Moreno Villa, Palencia, Peinado, Ángeles Ortiz and Cossío – who were first introduced to modern art through Cubism, particularly that of Juan Gris.


From 06 October 2017 to 25 February 2018

Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga(C/Compañía, 10) Málaga.

+ information: carmenthyssenmalaga.org

Detalles del evento

25 de febrero de 2018 08:00
08:00 - 17:00
Página web:


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